What have our Presidents been up to in October?
Tali's Update

Officially collaborated with Fife Deaf Communication Service to set up four sessions (two BSL tasters and two Deaf Awareness) in February and March.
College Climate Change Conference.
Hosted Tea and Talk on Teams to encourage students to talk about anything to ease their mental health with John Blakey as part of World Mental Health Awareness month.
Meeting with Matt Crilly - President of the National Union of Students Scotland
First NUS Scotland Officers' Council meeting.
Trick or Treat Halloween! Events with Jade Burnett and Angela Grindle.
Any questions for Tali? Get in touch with her at nataliefisher@fife.ac.uk
Emma's Update

Attend FCSA and Fife College events - including the Awards night and Phantasmagoria.
Finalised Class Rep training and sent to Class Reps.
Appointed as a Student Team Member for Education Scotland.
Made suggestions to change the NEC Card process for students.
Guest on a panel for Fashion Students to pitch event ideas.
Panelist for the Fife College Innovation Awards.
Wrote a paper about Feedback opportunities for Students throughout the year.
Attended Learning and Teaching Committee meeting.
Attended meeting about a Flexible Learning project with another SA.
Any questions for Emma? Get in touch with her at emmawallace@fife.ac.uk